Charlie is disgusting. 因为观影的时候是一个人,因为我并不需要面对Charlie,更因为躲在键盘后面,所以就能毫无顾忌地说出自己的真实想法。Charlie期待 to be honest,对不期而遇的传教士,对女儿,对学生,这真的是我们需要追求的一个品质或者高度吗?不太能苟同的。Honest的见解也许建立在偏见和无知上,honest表达也许会造成对他人的伤害,难道不应该用修养包裹一下吗?尤其在评价他人和他事时,我们每个人是那么的狭隘和不成熟,凭什么一定可以去批评,尤其是披着honest的外衣。Honest地面对自己,应该是没问题的。Charlie最后向网课学生打开了摄像头,展示了自己肥硕的躯体,这也仅仅是很表层的honest. 他真的有用 honest的态度去回顾自己的人生,去看待自己的人际关系,去挖掘自己的愿望的根源,去care自己亲密的人吗?其实,没有。他是个彻头彻尾的自私鬼。


Charlie是男同,值得同情吗?他主动结了婚,生了女儿,却在女儿八岁的时候,抛弃妻女,追求爱情去了。早知如此,何必当初,他对妻女的伤害远远大于对于自己的伤害。Charlie离婚后想看看女儿,遭到老婆的抵制,值得同情吗?Charlie的老婆Mary在女儿Ellie陪伴下出场,妆容容易使人误会她是霸道无礼的,直到女儿离开我们才发现Mary才是值得同情的那个,她被Charlie欺骗、独自抚养女儿、背负经济和精神压力,而内心还爱着Charlie。Mary提到,如果Charlie真的想见女儿,是无法阻止的,那不过是Charlie不用照顾女儿的合理理由罢了,无论爱人在身边的时候还是爱人离去了,Charlie内心是巴不得远离妻女的。何况,生养了的女儿是只用“看”就够的吗?又不是撸猫。Charlie这个自私的男人从来都没有理解到身为人父的责任和重担,养育子女中重在“育“,在子女成长的过程中日夜陪伴、言传身教。日复一日培养出的亲情,不是临死前几天能重拾的。Charlie在临死前突然想确保Ellie之后是decent了,最根究底是想借此完成对自己的救赎。Charlie的肥胖,就更不值得同情了,但“自找的”这个我说不出口,谁又没有失落无助情绪压抑无处化解的时刻呢?当把食物塞进嘴巴里面,让自己的嘴巴忙起来,试图用食物的刺激把低落的情绪压下去,试图把眼泪憋回去,然而除了让胃感到难受,让自己的注意力转移到胃部,真的没有能够把坏情绪赶走。我们大多数人可能只是沉沦一顿、一天、一个月,然后靠自己的力量回到现实社会投入到“生活”中,就像Liz说的 there is not anyone can save anyone. Unless he or she self wakes up and wants to be back. 后面半句是我加的。善良的人啊,像Liz那样,明知无可为还是尽力而为,这就是身为人的可贵。Liz强势地宣称只有自己一个人可以帮Charlie,那不是保护;两个人的时候她把头靠在Charlie的肩上,那也不是爱恋;他俩拥有共同爱着的人,他俩拥有共同的痛苦记忆,看上去是Liz在照顾Charlie,其实Liz也需要因此为自己获得精神支持。


I read the Bible. I thought it was devastating. God creates us, expels us from paradise. We wander around for thousands of years killing each other, before he comes back and saves 144,000 of us. Meanwhile, seven-and-a-half billion of us fall into hell.——Charlie


Tell you one thing that I like about religion. What I like about religion is that it assumes that everyone is an idiot and that they‘re incapable of saving themselves. I think they got something right with that. What I don’t like about religion is that when people accept Jesus or whatever, they suddenly think that they’re better than anyone else. By accepting the fact that they’re stupid sinners, somehow they’ve become better, and they turn into assholes.——Ellie

Ellie说了粗话,没有提出如Charlie那般的“灵魂质问”,只是描述表象,描述得很准确,让人无可辩驳。说这话的Ellie真的如Charlie所说,amazing, perfect. 还有她八岁时写的小作文,非常的敏锐,

In the amazing book Moby Dick by the author Herman Melville, the author recounts his story of being at sea. In the first part of his book, the author, calling himself Ishmael, is in a small sea-side town and he is sharing a bed with a man named Queequeg.
“The author and Queequeg go to church and later set out on a ship captained by the pirate named Ahab, who is missing a leg, and very much wants to kill the whale which is named Moby Dick, and which is white.”
“In the course of the book, the pirate Ahab encounters many hardships. His entire life is set around trying to kill a certain whale.”
“I think this is sad because this whale doesn’t have any emotions, and doesn’t know how bad Ahab wants to kill him.”
“He’s just a poor big animal. And I feel bad for Ahab as well, because he thinks that his life will be better if he can kill this whale, but in reality it won’t help him at all.”
“I was very saddened by this book, and I felt many emotions for the characters.”
“And I felt saddest of all when I read the boring chapters that were only descriptions of whales, because I knew that the author was just trying to save us from his own sad story, just for a little while.”
“This book made me think about my own life, and then it made me feel glad for my- ——Ellie

观众都知道,影片把Charlie硕大笨重无比的躯体比作Whale, Charlie想在暴食中埋葬自己的痛苦,Ellie用她的小作文告诉我们这是毫无帮助的。Charlie的痛苦来自于男友之死,Ellie的痛苦来自于有效年纪被父亲抛弃,她对此耿耿于怀~孩子总是耿耿于怀,我们能拯救谁?谁也拯救不了。我们能拯救自己吗?从被抛弃的痛苦经历中拯救自己?who knows,who cares. 还是从学校毕业比较重要,还是找个工作,走向未来吧,过去的尽量让它过去吧!

鲸The Whale(2022)

又名:庞然大物 / 我的鲸鱼老爸(台)

上映日期:2022-09-04(威尼斯电影节) / 2022-12-09(美国)片长:117分钟

主演:布兰登·费舍 / 萨迪·辛克 / 周洪 / 泰·辛普金斯 / 萨曼莎·莫顿 / 实谛·史达仁 / 杰西·辛克 / 

导演:达伦·阿伦诺夫斯基 / 


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