To say something honest? This film kinda sucks, his daughter is also kinda annoying and, who knows, maybe she actually just did it for fun but it just turned out helping that sad little fella. The dude just can’t die with the thought that everything he did was horrible, and even if his daughter was an amazing person or whatever, it wasn’t because of him, excuse me, like you fucking did the bare minimum, which is being a sperm doner. She was an accident, just like you being a homosexual, and marring a women have her had your kid and ruining her life, and your love affair with Alan boy.

You can’t just keep saying sorry and make people pity you, feel sorry for you, that’s a fucking hypocrite move. Maybe only people like Liz would fall for that. Because she’s also thinking that helping the dude is her way to make it up for her brother, to make things right, and probably finally play the role of god to save someone. But it was a dead end ofc.

鲸The Whale(2022)

又名:庞然大物 / 我的鲸鱼老爸(台)

上映日期:2022-09-04(威尼斯电影节) / 2022-12-09(美国)片长:117分钟

主演:布兰登·费舍 萨迪·辛克 周洪 泰·辛普金斯 萨曼莎·莫顿 实谛·史达仁 杰西·辛克 



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