情事La riffa(1991)


主演:莫妮卡·贝鲁奇 朱利奥斯卡尔帕蒂 马西莫·吉尼 Elena Cantarone 卡拉卡索拉 Sandra Collodel Paolo Busiri Vici D'Arcevia Paolo De Vita 罗伯托·德拉·卡萨 Christina Engelhardt Marino Masé 费德里科·帕西菲奇 Tiziana Pini 雷纳托·斯卡帕 毛里齐奥·席亚拉 

导演:弗朗西斯科·劳达迪奥 / 编剧:弗朗西斯科劳达迪奥 Francesco Laudadio


Plot Summary:Francesca, an incredibly beautiful woman, lost her husband. Only after his death she discovers his unfaithfulness and overall the huge amount of debts he left. Cesare is Francesca's best friend, he is a solicitor. Following his advices Francesca starts selling all her goods, like the house, jewels, furs and finally also the yacht. By doing this she is able to survive for the rest of the year, but has no perspective for the future. In fact she is unemployed and every plan to get a job fails. She finally takes a decision: she set up a lottery in which the prize is she. Twenty of the most influent man of the high society Bari (Italy), former Francesca's husband friends, accepts the rules and buy the tickets. The same day Francesca fall in love for Antonio and manage the situation becomes harder. A judge is investigating on the illegal lottery; a scandal is going to explode. Francesca has to find a way out of the strange but danger situation.
“ Francesca è sola con una figlia e senza un soldo. Ma è bellissima. ”——From IMDB   女人的丈夫死于车祸,给她留下了一个小女孩和一大笔债务。为了挣钱,女人开始不择手段。影片描述了在金钱与尊严中周旋的人们。


73 • 一个不错的构思《La riffa》---抽奖

电影情节构思不错,没有很大的潜伏,但结局的转机还算合理,球花的早期电影; 可惜我看的是普通1:25:

小松 • 由莫妮卡贝鲁奇早期出道作所想到的碎碎念。


晓晓杨 • 还好女人不主动工作

你可不要小看女人啊! ---------------------------------------

心路飞扬 • 美人如玉,命运多舛


Benedetto • la bellissima riffa non è una cattiva idea

美女入世,丑女之仇。往日当作朋友的都在算计你,偷偷看笑话。 丈夫的朋友都在虎视眈眈,她天生丽质,她曾