First of all, what the fuck's wrong with the guy playing sil? Was he in a Steve van Zandt impersonation contest and came out forth or some shit?

And Junior whacking Dickie? Are you fucking kidding me? Old man Dimeo is not dead yet. Johnny is not even a boss. And Junior's worrying about Dickie taking his place as heir apparent? If Junior got that kinda balls he would stomp all over "that kid who used to fetch his coffee" when Dimeo went to the can.

Also the age thing's kinda confusing. Sil and Sal couldn't be more than five yrs older than Tony. And Paulie would be much older, being a few yrs shy of Johnny boy (probably not very far behind Junior). Yet in the film Sil, Sal and Paulie all look like in their late 20s while Tony and Jackie Aprile are in early teens. Also the way Sil talks in the films is kinda funny. He says to Dickie that his nephew will be good on "this thing of ours". Apparentlly at that time Sil isn't a made guy (according to Ralphie, Sil was made about the same time as Tony and Jackie was made, after they pull that Feech Lamanna stunt). It's really inappropriate for him to talk that way.

Oh btw, that kid can't act. I'm sure he's got other talent, and with the kinda string he can pull, he would have a much brighter future somewhere else. He doesn't have to prove anything because of the kinda man his late dad used to be. Don't wind up like AJ when he tried to knife Junior. It was pathetic.

纽瓦克众圣The Many Saints of Newark(2021)

又名:纽瓦克诸圣 / 纽瓦克的诸多圣人 / 黑道家族前传 / 纽瓦克众圣徒:黑道家族外传 / The Many Saints of Newark: A Sopranos Story


主演:迈克尔·甘多菲尼 / 亚历桑德罗·尼沃拉 / 维拉·法米加 / 乔·博恩瑟 / 小莱斯利·奥多姆 / 寇瑞·斯托尔 / 比利·马格努森 / 约翰·马加罗 / 雷·利奥塔 / 达里尔·爱德华兹 / 尼克·瓦莱隆加 / 马提亚·孔福尔迪 / 德琼·瓦茨 / 法龙·索尔兹伯里 / 杰玛·特雷尔·加德纳 / 安德鲁·波尔克 / 肯·斯拉迪克 / Sasha Morfaw / 小戴维·M·桑多瓦尔 / Audrey Bennett / 伊恩·安特曼 / 小弗洛伊德·安东尼·约翰 / 克劳黛特·拉利 / 斯蒂芬妮·林恩·威尔逊 / 迈克尔·温·古查多 / 阿梅利亚·福勒 / 克里斯·勒潘塔 / Edward Sass III / 克雷格·格拉提 / 迈克尔·泽加斯基 / Germir Robinson / Alex Morf / Lesli Margherita / Joey Diaz / 

导演:阿兰·泰勒 / 编剧:大卫·切斯 David Chase/劳伦斯·康纳尔 Lawrence Konner