一开始我对这部电影是拒绝的,主要是赶上罗南和甜茶两位主角我都不太喜欢,但是为了不浪费免费电影票还是进电影院看了一下,结果却被Greta Gerwig的剧本和电影语言深深打动。电影中青春时代的绚丽多彩与现实世界的灰暗压抑,女性成长中的喜怒哀乐与社会困境,都让我这个历经社会沧桑的中年女人老泪纵横。幸福到底是平凡的一家人温馨热闹还是做一个富有的人独自寂寞,是为了钱结婚还是为了爱结婚还是不结婚,每人都各有答案,也无需达成一致谁对谁错谁好谁坏,因为每个人都有追求自己所定义的幸福的权利。
JO: I intend to make my own way in the world.
AUNT: Oh well. No one makes their own way. Not Really. Least of all, a woman. You'll need to marry well.
JO: But you are not married.
AUNT: That's because I'm rich. And I made sure to keep hold of my money. Unlike your father.
JO: So the only way to be an unmarried woman is to be rich?
AUNT: Yes.
JO: But there are precious few ways for women to make money.
AUNT: That's not true. You could run a cat house. Or go on the stage. Practically the same thing. Other than that, you are right. Precious few ways for women. Tha'ts why you should heed me.
JO: So I can get married.
AUNT: No. So you can live a better life than your poor mother has.
JO: But Marmee loves her life.
AUNT: You don't know what she loves. Your father cared more about educating freedmen's children than he did about caring for his own family.
JO:Yes, but he was right.
AUNT: Well, it's possible to be right and foolish.
LAURIE: I understand queens of society can’t get on without money. But it does sound odd coming from one of your mother’s girls.
AMY: I’ve always known that I would marry rich. Why should I be ashamed of that?
LAURIE: There is nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you love him.
AMY: Well, I believe we have some power over who we love, it isn’t something that just happens to a person.
LAURIE: I think the poets might disagree.
AMY:Well. I’m not a poet, I’m just a woman.
And as a woman I have no way to make money, not enough to earn a living and support my family.
Even if I had my own money, which I don’t, it would belong to my husband the minute we were married. If we had children they would belong to him not me. They would be his property.
So don’t sit there and tell me that marriage isn’t an economic proposition, because it is.
It may not be for you but it most certainly is for me.
JO: And you, you should be an actress and have a life on the stage. Let’s run away together.
MEG: I love him. I want to get married.
JO: You will be bored of him in two years and we will be interesting forever.
MEG: Just because my dreams are not thesame as yours doesn’t mean they’re unimportant.
MARMEE: What is it?
JO: Perhaps... perhaps I was too quick in turning him down.
MARMEE: Do you love him?
JO: If he asked me again, I think I would say yes... Do you think he’ll ask me again?
MARMEE: But do you love him?
JO: (tearing up) I know that I care more to be loved. I want to be loved.
MARMEE: That is not the same as loving.
JO: (crying, trying to explain herself to herself) Women have minds and souls as well as hearts, ambition and talent as well as beauty and I’m sick of being told that love is all a woman is fit for.
But... I am so lonely.

JO: Who will be interested in a story of domestic struggles and joys? It doesn’t have any real importance.
AMY: Maybe we don’t see those things as important because people don’t write about them.
JO: No, writing doesn’t confer importance, it reflects it.
AMY: I’m not sure. Perhaps writing will make them more important.
JO: (looking at her, amused) When did you become so wise?
AMY: I always have been, you were just too busy noticing my faults.
DASHWOOD: We’ll look at it. Tell her to make it short and spicy. And if the main character’s a girl make sure she’s married by the end. (casually) Or dead, either way.
JO: Excuse me?
DASHWOOD: Frankly, I don’t see why she didn’tmarry the neighbor.
JO: Because the neighbor married hersister!
DASHWOOD: Right, of course. So, who does she marry?
JO: No one. She doesn’t marry either of them.
DASHWOOD: No. No, no, no, that won’t work at all.
JO: She says the whole book that she doesn’t want to marry.
JO: It isn’t the right ending.
DASHWOOD: The right ending is the one that sells.
DASHWOOD: If you end your delightful book with your heroine a spinster, no one will buy it. It won’t be worth printing.
JO: I suppose marriage has always been an economic proposition. Even in fiction.
DASHWOOD: It’s romance!
JO: It’s mercenary.

小妇人Little Women(2019)


上映日期:2020(中国大陆) / 2019-12-25(美国)片长:135分钟

主演:西尔莎·罗南 / 艾玛·沃森 / 弗洛伦丝·皮尤 / 伊莱扎·斯坎伦 / 劳拉·邓恩 / 蒂莫西·柴勒梅德 / 梅丽尔·斯特里普 / 鲍勃·奥登科克 / 詹姆斯·诺顿 / 路易·加瑞尔 / 克里斯·库珀 / 崔西·莱茨 / 艾比·奎因 / 萨沙·弗若洛娃 / 莉莉·恩格勒特 / 爱德华德·弗莱彻 / 杰妮·霍蒂谢尔 / 多梅尼克·阿尔迪诺 / 汤姆·斯特拉特福 / 托马斯·马里亚诺 / 哈德莉·罗宾逊 / 杰米·加扎里安 / 

导演:格蕾塔·葛韦格 / 编剧:格蕾塔·葛韦格 Greta Gerwig/路易莎·梅·奥尔科特 Louisa May Alcott
