
主演:黄清贵 徐诣帆 范哲恩 拉卡·巫茂 林孟君 范伟霖 比令·亚布 

导演:马志翔 / 





Plot Summary:As a young boy, Fa'aye spent his days alongside his father deep in their lands, surrounded by towering bamboo and learning the ways of Atayal culture and knowledge. Now an elder, Fa'aye is caught between the trappings of the present day and trying to maintain a meaningful connection to his traditional territory, which has now been privatized by the state. With his young grandson in tow, Fa'aye is determined to return to the forest and reassert his duty to care for the bamboo despite the serious legal ramifications of his actions. The Crying Bamboo Forest is a remarkable first feature film that reflects the struggles and challenges currently faced by many Indigenous people living in Taiwan.
本剧改编原住民族文学作品-《番人之眼-飘摇的竹林》瓦历斯·诺干(吴俊杰)著作。   《飘摇的竹林》中描述,遵循泰雅族祖训的老人巴奈带着孙子到山上采竹笋,却误闯国家土地,被警方以盗取国家财产的罪名逮捕。巴奈的儿子尤劳在林务局上班,面对父亲被逮捕及泰雅族身份的拉扯,呈现出原住民在现代社会法规与传统间的矛盾与无奈。
