粉紅革命Monument van Trots(2017)

又名:Monument of Pride



导演:Sebastiaan Kes / 





Plot Summary:Holland is known as one of the LGBTQ-friendliest countries in the world. But how did gay emancipation develop in the Netherlands? How did this country get from executing sodomites in the 18th century to being the first in the world to legalize gay marriage in 2001? And are the Dutch really as tolerant as is claimed? The documentary Monument of Pride tells the uncensored story of the 'pink revolution' in the Netherlands. In the documentary parallels between past and present are key. Historical images alternate with current events held on the Amsterdam Homomonument and portraits of today's activists. The film is a tribute to the 30 year old Homomonument in Amsterdam and to everyone who has fought for freedom we now often take for granted.
韓國酷兒電影展,紐約社交相關電影節參展作品   荷蘭被視為是全球對同志最寬容和開放的國家之一,但同性戀的解放運動是如何發展出來?這個國家是如何由處決同志,演變成全球第一個承認同性婚姻的國家?荷蘭人是否真的如大家想像般對同志寬容?紀錄荷蘭不經審查的   「粉紅革命」故事,對比過去與現在,還有歷史檔案和今日現況交替出現,向已有三十年歷史的阿姆斯特丹同性戀紀念碑,還有為同志平權出過力的每一個人致敬。
