Ti offro da bere(2015)

又名:Let Me Buy You a Drink


主演:Christian Ivaldi Paolo li Volsi Massimo Morello 

导演:Ilaria Gambarelli / 

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Ti offro da bere:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Christian is a dreamer who cannot find his place in this world; for the past 10 years he's been living in London, a city of a million opportunities, and training to become a professional in martial arts. At 35 years old, nothing he aspired to has become a reality. When he finds himself unemployed, his girlfriend (tired of his endless excuses) kicks him to the curb. Now he will be forced back to his birthplace, Genoa, where he will have to rediscover himself, reinvent himself, and above all else adapt himself to a new reality of friends and family, a reality far different from that which he imagined.
Christian is a failed MMA fighter who's hit a dead end in his life. With nowhere left to go, he returns to his native Genoa, where he must reinvent himself, reconcile with family and face critical decisions over the life or death of an old friend.   克里斯蒂安是一名失敗的MMA戰士,他的人生遭遇了死胡同。無處可去的他回到了家鄉熱那亞,在那裡他必須徹底改造自己,與家人和解,並面對一位老朋友的生死決定。
