
又名:Kamen Teacher

主演:藤谷太辅 大政绚 菊池风磨 ジェシー 岸优太 京本大我 前田公辉 柳俊太郎 春花 山本舞香 山田亲太朗 藤泽弥乃 塚田僚一 六平直政 志贺广太郎 斋藤工 

导演:守屋健太郎 / 编剧:山岡潤平/藤沢とおる(原作)





Plot Summary:Gota Araki begins work at a new high school. He is assigned to the school's notorious 2nd Year, Class C as their homeroom teacher. All of the students in Class C are violent delinquents, who have no respect for authority figures. Gota Araki quickly becomes acclimated with the students during his first day. He is beaten by his students, but he doesn't fight back. Gota Araki wants to breakthrough the student's tough outer shells, but he soon discovers that the students are more wounded than he could ever imagine. Gota Araki then turns to his mask. Will it take power or heart to change his students?
20XX年,日本全面禁止体罚学生的行为,此举导致师道尊严全面垮塌,不良学生无法无天,学校彻底沦为混乱的无法地带。为了应对这一情况,政府出台“假面教师计划”,特别允许一部分带着面具的教师进驻学校,以暴力的方式平定不良学生的恶行。拥有阳光般灿烂笑容的26岁青年荒木刚太(藤ヶ谷太輔 饰)奉命前往华空学院任教,他所接受的班级2年C班令全校师生头疼,而阿凡(京本大我 饰)、光太郎(前田公辉 饰)、辽太(柳俊太郎 饰)、狮子丸(岸优太 饰)组成的M4以及独来独往的武原金浩(菊池风磨 饰)更是其中的超级不良人物。很少有人知道,看似软绵绵的荒木老师,其真身便是假面教师,但一年前某起事件令他对纯粹付诸暴力的行为产生质疑。   在这所全员不良的学校,他将以自己独有的方式引领学生回归正途……
