Colpa del mare(2020)


主演:安德烈亚·迪路易吉 Mario Massari Daniele Ciglia Sofia Pelaschier Lorenzo Tamburrino Luca Fidanza Angelo Pellegrini Antonio Bellante 

导演:Giuseppe D'Angella / Cristiano di Felice / Igor Di Giampaolo / 

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Colpa del mare:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Colpa del mare originates from a local news event: one morning in July 2017, in Pescara, dozens and dozens of drug packs appeared on the shore, spit out from the sea during the night. Within a few weeks, the competent authorities tried to clarify, there were investigations and arrests, several boys were involved. Colpa del mare is a friendship and sacrifice story. In a detective setting, Colpa del mare shows the story of Luigi and Marco, two young friends who parted ways and both have taken wrong paths over the years. Investigating Marco, a guy in his early twenties, found dead after a party, Colpa del mare reconstructs a chain of human and emotional bonds including friendship and its value within a small province. Someone is guilty, but it is difficult to determine just one fault.
