
又名:Shakugan no Shana Second / 灼眼的夏娜 2

主演:钉宫理惠 日野聪 江原正士 川澄绫子 樱井智 生天目仁美 岩田光央 

导演:渡部高志 / 




Plot Summary:The heated bond between Shana and Yuji is tested as their paranormal adventures continue. The Flame Haze fends off supernatural foes by night. By day, she contends with a classmate who's also after Yuji's heart. Emotions flare as a suspicious transfer student who resembles a recently defeated Denizen clings to Yuji. His training rises in intensity when they catch wind of a revered warrior in search of her lost lover - who will stop at nothing to extract the power keeping Yuji alive!
《灼眼的夏娜》TV第二季的故事将从小说第八卷开始讲起,以NDS游戏《灼眼的夏娜DS》中的登场人物,红世之徒,戏睡乡“メア”入侵御崎市开始开篇。据监督渡部高志所说,故事会对第一季的一些伏笔作出解释,并加入不少这个时代的小故事。第二季STAFF和声优会由原班人马担任,“钉宫之誓”依旧强势走高。   夏天结束后,新学期开始了   许多事物没有任何变化,但是同时也有不少事情逐渐发展着…   池和吉田,绪方和田中之间产生了些许微妙的关系   还有在我身旁,飘逸着长发的夏娜…   但是,这一切似乎有着一丝奇怪的违何感   在我们所不知道的地方,红世之徒再次展开了行动…
