不动产权Squatter's Rights(1946)


主演:Dessie Flynn James MacDonald 品托·考维格 

导演:杰克·汉纳 / 





Plot Summary:Two chipmunks have made a cozy little home for themselves in the wood-burning stove of an empty cabin. They sleep in a matchbox, wash up in an empty acorn shell filled with water and look at their reflections on the back of a spoon, which serves as their bathroom mirror. They even have a staircase made with a pocket comb. Invading their space are Mickey Mouse and his dog Pluto, who are all set for a swell vacation. They don't reckon on the two squatters. Pluto immediately discovers the presence of these two pests, but Mickey never finds out. All he knows is that when he tries to light the stove, the matches go out; he doesn't know the chipmunks are blowing them out. Soon, Mickey is outside chopping wood, while Pluto is alone with the chipmunks. Pluto wants blood, but he'll end up with a bottle of ketchup.
深冬时节,白雪皑皑。在森林深处有一间小木屋。木屋上着锁,许久没有人来了。小屋最里面的煤炉中,那两只调皮可爱的花栗鼠躺在火柴盒做成的床里呼呼大睡,舒适的干草做成的被子让他们不用担心寒冷的侵扰。雪停了,天空开始放晴。小家伙们从睡梦中苏醒,他们洗脸漱口,舒展筋骨。这时,屋外传来了说话声,那是小屋的主人米奇以及他的爱犬布鲁托。主仆二人走进来,准备生火取暖,这可吓坏了炉子中的花栗鼠兄弟。他们起先打跑了试图放木柴的布鲁托。生气的布鲁托本想抓住他们,反被米奇骂了一顿。   这可气坏了布鲁托,他想尽办法要烧死这两个小坏蛋……
