Approaching Normal(2013)


主演:Hailey Beliveau Phil Berry Eric Eastman Wendy Feign Meredith Flood Jody Lyn Flynn Jack Burk Goldman Caleb Horst Chloe Sonnenfeld Katherine Wessling 

导演:Zack Bernstein / 

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Approaching Normal:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:After twenty years, Andy decides attend his father's 70th birthday getaway unannounced. How does this once tightly knit family deal with the return of a lost brother, son and uncle. This event causes a string of interpersonal problems to come out after years of repression. Ultimately, it's a film about what it means to become a family, again.
After twenty years, Andy decides attend his father's 70th birthday getaway unannounced. How does this once tightly knit family deal with the return of a lost brother, son and uncle. This event causes a string of interpersonal problems to come out after years of repression. Ultimately, it's a film about what it means to become a family, again.
