Rise of the Supercarrier Season 2(2020)




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Rise of the Supercarrier Season 2:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth, Britain's $4 billion gamble, is finally ready to set sail from Portsmouth Dockyard on her make-or-break four-month deployment on the high seas. The mission is to forge the brand-new ship's crew into an effective fighting force. Hop on board for an exclusive look at life above and below deck, and follow the crew as they face the challenges of a Russian warship, floods, fuel leaks, and a headline-making first night on U.S. soil.
Witness HMS Queen Elizabeth's transformation from docked, incomplete warship to Britain's most powerful supercarrier.   S2 E1 - Heading for America   S2 E2 - Hurricane Alert   S2 E3 - Pushing the Limits
