The Sideshow(1928)


主演:玛丽·普雷沃斯特 拉尔夫·格雷夫斯 'Little Billy' Rhodes 艾伦·罗斯科 帕特·哈蒙 R.E. 'Tex' Madsen Martha McGruger 史提夫克莱门特 Janet Ford Paul Desmuke Bert Price Chester Morton Jacques Ray 

导演:Erle C. Kenton / 编剧:Howard J. Green

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The Sideshow:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Melrose's circus is being threatened by his competitor, who's angry that Melrose has outmanuevered him in bookings; what he doesn't know is that the competitor has also planted a saboteur who creates accidents in hopes of reducing the value of the circus. Meanwhile, he's also hired a beautiful young woman as the magician's assistant, with eyes toward more - but he realizes that, as a midget, she won't have him.
